Road Map #V1.03


Thank you for taking an interest in our roadmap. This document contains three main sections: The organisation, roadmap and growth phase. Combined, these will explain how we plan to launch and grow this platform and how you can participate.

It’s important to note that Discord is the community management platform that we use to keep in touch with the team and our community. Discord is an instant messaging app that allows people to organise themselves into groups and discuss various aspects of a community – like Slack or Microsoft Teams. Therefore, join our discord server if you want to receive announcements about developments.

The great news is that Discord is the first place we will start when hiring and sourcing partners to help us grow. There will also be many incredible opportunities to participate in this project, and many of them will be announced on Discord first before any other platform.


This project is made of up four groups of participants: (1) Founders, (2) Testers (3) Team Members (4) Partners (5) Members.

1.1. Founders

The founders of this project have all contributed towards doing the heavy lifting, be it writing the software, participating in white-board sessions or simply investing time or money at the early stages. Founders also are responsible for developing the community, the vision and ensuring that this project succeeds. In exchange, founders will be allowed to mint a founders NFT, which will give them voting rights for policy changes and earn a royalty from the revenues generated through this project. The founders’ royalty cannot be more than 1% of revenue for all founders combined.

1.2. Testers

Testers are people who put in the time to find bugs and faults with the platform and report them to the team. A testing sheet with various tasks will be released to the community with every feature release. Each task will be allocated a budget, and based on the number of tasks a tester completes, they will earn accordingly.

1.3. Team Members

Team members are generally staff who work on the project daily. The community on Discord will be informed when we are hiring from time to time. Bear in mind that discord members will always be the first to get information and announcements.

1.4. Partners

As shown in the roadmap below, this project will require various partnership programs along the way. Partners will be invited through Discord and this website when the time comes.

1.5. Members

This platform will offer a subscription service to users who wish to store messages to friends and loved ones and dispatch them once they have passed away. The users will be referred to as members. There will be two categories of memberships: lifetime members and subscription members.

Lifetime Member

When the time comes (see the roadmap below), 500 Lifetime Membership NFTs will be made available. The team will announce the requirements and process for acquiring lifetime membership. However, they will be given away for free – not sold – to all deserving partners and participants. But given that they will be distributed in the form of an NFT, members will have the option of placing them on the secondary market for resale.

Lifetime members will all receive special benefits and access to events, which the team will announce in due course. Most importantly, Lifetime members will also receive a royalty from revenues generated from the software. The royalty may not exceed 1% of total revenue. Like the founders, it will be shared equally among all lifetime membership holders.

Subscription Members

Subscription members are the end-users – customers – who will sign up and use the platform as is. These are the people for whom this platform is built. This project will succeed if we build a platform that they want to use and pay for.


2.1. Pre-Launch


This stage is all about setting up the mechanics of the business, i.e. marketing, branding, basic processes, social media accounts, policies, etc. At this stage, the platform will also be ready for alpha testing.

Alpha Testing: 17 – 31 Jan ’22 (done)

25 testers will be recruited to help bring the platform to user acceptance standards. Every alpha tester will be rewarded a lifetime membership NFT and will be entitled to all the benefits listed in section 1.5 above. Once the alpha stage testing is complete, the new testing system described in section 1.2 above will be introduced where testers are rewarded for completing tasks.

Soft Launch: 18 February ’22 moved to 01 May 2022

A small audience of potential partners will have early access to the platform from 01 April ’22. The soft launch will be both physical (in South Africa) and streamed on Discord.

2.1. Launch & Partnership Network

The software will launch to the public on 12 February 2022 12 May 2022. At the launch, we will also announce our partnership and referral program. Each partner will receive a referral link to use for signing up members. After a member signs up, the partner will pay a commission. We are still working on exactly how the program will work, but there will be limited spots for partners until we reach a critical mass of memberships.

There will be two partnership categories: Pioneer Partners and ordinary partners. The pioneer status will be given to the first ten partners who sign up at least 100 members. These pioneers will be entitled to a special commission bracket for as long as they hold the membership. In addition, pioneer partners will receive a lifetime membership NFT.

The remaining ordinary partners will also be entitled to a commission, albeit at a different bracket from the pioneers. In total, there will only be 50 partnership spots: 10 for pioneer partners and 40 for ordinary partners.

Similarly, each partnership will be backed by a Partners NFT, and the terms of the partnership will apply for as long as the partner holds the token.


3.1. Decoupling

The team is working on the “critical mass” number – the number of members that are required for this project to be considered sustainable. This project will officially exit the launch phase and enter the growth phase when we hit this number. The project will be ready for equity partners and more aggressive growth at that stage.

Currently, the software was developed and is wholly-owned and managed by donebyEXPERTS (PTY) Ltd, based in South Africa. When we enter the growth phase, a new company will be registered, and the whole ownership of the software will be transferred to it. This is what we will call decoupling. The process will create opportunities for investors to buy into the project and help raise growth funding. This will warrant another release of NFTs.

3.2. Investors Round

Finally, 500 Investors’ NFTs will be released using a reverse auction. The team will reserve some NFTs to strike partnerships with investors and VCs. But for the most part, the NFTs will be made available to the public. The Investors NFTs will also entitle the holders to a collective royalty of not more than 2% for the entire membership revenue pool. The royalty will be distributed equally among all the Investor NFT holders.

It’s important to note that the exact numbers may change closer to the time. However, if there are any changes in this roadmap, there will be sufficient communication in our discord server. All changes will be aimed, ultimately, at growing and sustaining the platform.

3.2. Summary of Tokens & Benefits

NFT NameQTYDescription & BenefitsRelease Date / Event
Founders Token±5Issued to founders of the platform and entitles the holders to 1% royalty on total membership revenue. The 1% is divided equally to all token holders.TBC
Lifetime Membership Token500Issued to staff members, testers and selected partners. Allows unlimited access to the platform for life at no additional cost. Holders earn 1% of revenue, divided equally among token holders.TBC
Pioneer Partners Token10Issued to the first 10 partners to sign up more than 100 members. Entitles partners to a special commission bracket.TBC
Partners Token50Issued to referral partners in exchange for a commission for each member signed upTBC
Investors Token500Issued to 500 investors through an open reverse auction. Holders are entitled to share 2% of the entire membership’s revenue pool.When reaching critical mass

In short, this project will issue 1065 NFTs, of which only half will be for sale. Therefore, there are many opportunities to participate meaningfully in this project.

The blockchain community is changing rapidly, and other blockchains may become more technically viable. Should there be a need to change the blockchain, all members will be consulted with adequate time and given all the information needed to migrate. All NFTs will be listed on opensea, thus placed on the Etherium blockchain.

Given this project’s long-term and global nature, all revenue will be converted to Eth. This way, all the token holders will be able to track the revenue that passes through the system, thus ensuring transparency when distributing royalties. This also implies that all staff members will be paid in ETH. A small amount of Fiat currency will be kept to process refunds and pay for other operational requirements.


There is no doubt that the corporate strategy (of blending blockchain, NFTs and corporate governance) is a cutting edge consideration that will require a lot of legal and technological advice as we go. Nevertheless, this ambitious project promises to offer great value to end-users as a product in itself. It also provides tremendous value to the community by taking advantage of modern technology and decentralised financial instruments.

Indeed, this makes our project less palatable to many people who are not familiar with the technology. However, to the few who want to learn with us as we carve a new path in the 21st century, this platform offers an incredible opportunity and promises robust financial returns in the long term.

Above all, the most crucial part of this project is building software that people love and use. That is the underlying value that carries everything. All the fancy fintech footwork means nothing if we do not have a robust platform that members want to pay for. Hence, for now, we are focusing on building a world-class platform. But we are excited to have you join us on the journey.




RSVP for our next Testing Session and stand a chance to become a Life Time Member when the software launches.
2 February 2022 @ 20:00

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