Road Map #V1.01


To learn more about this platform and how it works, start here. We are still in the pre-launch phase of this project. The software has been built, and it is ready for alpha testing. In case you don’t know, alpha testing is when software is released to a closed user group for the first time. Hence, the platform is only accessible by invite at this stage. However, the journey ahead has many exciting opportunities that you may want to participate in. Here’s the roadmap.

Phase 1: Pre-Launch


During the setup stage, we are busy setting up the business – things like social media accounts, website, branding, write-ups, legal stuff, and all the rest of it. Our platform is also ready for alpha-testing, but it has not been released to our private testers yet.

We have also set up a workspace on slack. Slack is a platform, just like Microsoft Teams – but far less complicated – that allows us to collaborate and work together as a team. The great news is that our slack community is open. Therefore, if you want to receive announcements about developments, join us. And the even better news is that slack is the first place we start when hiring and sourcing partners to help us grow. On slack, you can also contribute ideas for improving this platform. So, let’s go! Visit our slack workspace by clicking here, and let’s start the journey together.

Alpha Testing: 17 – 31 Jan ’22

We are recruiting 25 people who will help us test our platform. Testers are paid a small fee and rewarded in kind with vouchers and other goodies from our partners. In addition, all testers will qualify for a lifetime membership on, and it will cover three friends they nominate. To become a tester, you must do two things: 1) join our slack workspace (click here). 2) Fill in the application form to become a tester and sign non-disclosure forms 3) Start testing and earn your rewards.

Soft Launch: 18 February ’22

A small audience of potential partners will access the platform on 01 February ’22. Tickets and a link to stream the event will be available on slack. With social distancing, we will make the event very small and intimate. Therefore, not everybody will get a ticket, but all the slack team members will stream into the event.

Phase 2: Launch

Broker Network

At the launch, we will also announce our brokers and referral program. We are still working on exactly how the broker program will work, but there will be a limited number of brokers eligible to sign up for the first six months. This will give our pioneer brokers an advantage of introducing the platform to their networks and earning a commission with limited competition.

Early Access

After the launch, the system will go into beta testing. Beta-testing will begin with early access for the brokers that joined the program at the launch. These brokers will receive a special commission bracket and other perks shared in due course.

Pioneer Memberships

Each broker will be allocated a certain number of lifetime memberships to extend to their members. Lifetime members will enjoy the platform for free forever. At the launch, the platform will also become public for the first time and allow members to sign up without an invitation.

Phase 3: Growth


The team is working on the “critical mass” number – the number of members that can sustain the project financially through memberships. This project will officially exit start-up mode and enter the growth phase when we hit this number. The project will be ready for equity partners and more aggressive growth at that stage.

Currently, the software was developed and wholly-owned and managed by donebyEXPERTS (PTY) Ltd, based in South Africa. When we enter the growth phase, a new company will be registered where the software will be transferred. In the process, the equity will be made available in two phases.

Bootstrappers Equity

The first phase is Bootstrapping Equity. Bootstrapping is slang in the start-up community, which refers to starting a company with little or no capital. The people who would have played an instrumental role in growing the platform will be offered these shares. This will include people who offered their services, time, expertise and went the extra mile to build this platform. The shares will not be sold – they will be given on merit as a reward for contributing significantly to growing this platform. The holders of this class of shares will also be entitled to a distribution of royalties from a portion of memberships collected. The distribution will be eligible for as long as they hold the bootstrapper’s equity.

Investors Equity

The second phase is Investors Equity. The team will go on a roadshow to raise funding from investors and VCs to enable the project’s growth and expansion phase. Investors will be entitled to ordinary shares – needless to say, the details of these shares will be worked out closer to the time.

Non-Fungible Tokens

Given this project’s long-term and global nature, all shares will be made available as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on a blockchain that will be announced closer to the time. The blockchain will make it possible for all shares to be traceable globally so that distributions, be they royalties or dividends, are paid to the correct people without worrying about borders.

Bootstrappers will be allowed to mint (or acquire without buying) their NFT tokens. Instructions and sufficient reading material will be provided on slack. The remaining investor shares will be auctioned using a token-distribution plan that will be announced closer to the time. The revenue generated from the auction will be used to fund growth, but the added benefit to investors is that they can sell their NFTs on the secondary market anytime or hold them until they earn a dividend from the company. In addition, all NFTs will be backed by the company’s balance sheet and future revenue prospects, which will make them valuable on the market.


There is no doubt that the corporate strategy (of blending blockchain, NFTs and corporate governance) is a cutting edge innovation that will require a lot of legal and technological advice as we go. Nevertheless, this ambitious project promises to offer great value to end-users as a product in itself. It also offers tremendous value by taking advantage of modern technology and decentralised financial instruments. Certainly, this makes our project less palatable to some people. However, to the few who want to learn with us as we carve a new path in the 21st century, this platform offers an incredible opportunity and promises robust financial returns in the long term.

Above all, the most important part of this project is building software that people love and use – that is the underlying value that carries everything. All the fancy fintech footwork means nothing if we do not have a robust platform that people want to pay for. Hence, for now, we are focusing on building a world-class platform. For you, it’s an incredible opportunity to come in early and help us shape the future.

The first step is joining our slack workspace.




RSVP for our next Testing Session and stand a chance to become a Life Time Member when the software launches.
2 February 2022 @ 20:00

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