Ready for Testing


Finally, after a lot of work behind the scenes, is online and ready for the first round of testing.

Here’s your first opportunity to participate in this project. You can become a tester in exchange for a Lifetime membership. As a Lifetime member, you get to use for free forever – all the new features in future will be accessible to you for free – for as long as you hold your membership. Plus, as a lifetime member, you will qualify to be part of a small pool of people who earn royalties from all future revenue generated from this project.

To register as a tester, please join our discord channel, and get more information. There are only 25 spots available. Therefore, hurry before they are taken.

How to Become a Tester

  1. Join our discord channel
  2. Attend the live screening event on 22 January 2022
  3. After the event, you will receive details for creating an account as a tester.
  4. The first 100 people to sign up will be added to our #testers channel on discord.
  5. Important! Being on the testers channel, does not automatically qualify you for the lifetime membership.

Testing Process

  1. There will be two rounds of testing. The first round will begin on 22 January 2022.
  2. Then our team will implement changes and important insights from the testing round.
  3. The second round of testing will be announced after the implementation of the first round of feedback.
  4. The first 20 testers to complete all their tasks will quality for the lifetime membership. Another 5 memberships will be issued on discretion by our founders.

Transfer of Membership

This section requires that you know a little about NFTs. There are many resources online about NFTs and how they work. We suggest you start there before proceeding… here are two resources to get you started: 1) Johny Harris, 2) Garry Vee

  1. All the 25 lifetime memberships for this round will be listed on Opensea, the world’s biggest market place for NFTs.
  2. Qualifying testers will be allowed to mint the NFTs for free plus gas fees (gas = transaction fees that are paid to the blockchain)
  3. These 25 Lifetime membership NFTs will not be available for public minting, although holders have the freedom to put them on the secondary market.

Where We Are Now….

Unlike other NFT projects, we put utility first. We are building a product for ordinary people, for the long term. Hence, for now, we are looking for community members who want to put in the time and energy to get this project off the ground. Once we are up and running, an opportunity for investors will come. Please check our roadmap.

If you have more questions, please come through to our discord and let’s talk. See you there.




RSVP for our next Testing Session and stand a chance to become a Life Time Member when the software launches.
2 February 2022 @ 20:00

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